
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Subsistence Economy In Developing Countries

It is understood that for subsistence economy based on agriculture or livestock in farms, usually family, which is only enough for food and clothing for the family or social group in which there are no trade surpluses that can or, if they occur, these are rare and are used immediately to barter with other families or social groups.

Subsistence peasant economies are a complex variable from culture to culture, from year to year and even from one season to another. These savings combine productive activities, agriculture and animal husbandry, mining, milling activities, leƱateo, hunting, fishing, collecting fruits, seeds, wild fibers, herbs and other non-crops, mining of alluvial gold, etc .- with paid work and in cash (jornaleo) or as an exchange for their housing and access to agricultural land or agricultural or livestock production. [1] In all peasant economies are also manufacturing handicrafts: textiles, ceramics, wood carving, etc. . to produce furniture, utensils and tools for self-consumption, barter and trade. Similarly, all subsistence economies seeking a commercialization of the surpluses of the various activities.

The vector composition of the activities of a rural economy can change in the short term and in general is subject to cycles, pulses mediated by intra-annual climate (temperature, rainfall, wind ...) that define the phenology (germination, flowering , fruiting, defoliation, etc..) wild plants and cultivation and to a lesser extent animal production (birth, growth and reproduction).

The analysis of the combined subsistence peasant economies accounting work effort, measured in days or salaries · man dedicated to an activity for a year or season to profitability, in terms of value added, production from such activity, as local market prices.

Another meaning is that it is simply economies which consumes everything that occurs


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i would back to read your post about this issue...

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