THE HAGUE - The leadership of the Christian Union wants the next government period, the load increases mainly precipitate at the highest incomes.
This is contained in a draft election platform on the website of the party which has been published and Christian Union members this week to respond. Then comes a final draft and the members at an election conference final decision.
One of the measures to the extent income tax is additional to the establishment of a temporary crisis and recovery fee. This is an additional burden on top of the highest tax rate of 52 percent. How high the fee should be temporary, about the Party at this stage no decision.
In May last year, Senator Schuurman Christian Union has a similar crisis fee. That should apply to anyone who earns more than the Prime Minister (about 125,000 euro). The second parliament for the Christian Union rejected the proposal last year off.
Furthermore, the party that the mortgage interest is deducted at a rate equal for everyone. At this time, the amount to deduct the interest income at the highest rate of 52 percent disk. In addition, the CU repaying the mortgage market by the annual deductible amount thirtieth part reduction.
The Christian Union wants the structural deficit of 36 billion in three periods cabinet removal. That means a saving of 12 billion over the next four years. This is precisely the party between CDA and PvdA in.
The Christian Union wants the child various schemes into one kind budget and calls for a tax system for working families.
nice post....
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