
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Emerging Countries in the G-20 Forum

The term emerging economy is used in two similar but different ways:
  1. It is called as such, the country that being a developing economy and for economic reasons, the international community takes on a promotion according to their own level of industrial production and foreign sales, standing as a competitor to other economies more developed, often due to low prices for their products.
  2. Also called emerging economy to the situation within a country in which you move from a subsistence economy to a strong industrial development.
The characteristics of emerging economies are:
  • Incipient industrialization.
  • Production essentially generated in the primary sector (agriculture and mining).
  • Its technologies do not yet have a high development.
  • Internal market in constant growth process.
  • Socio-economic means and high with a large yearly progress.
  • Relating commercial presence in the global market.
  • Relating economic and financial dependence from abroad.


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