Sustainable development of Economy' is the key concept in the report "Our Common Future" which was released in 1987 by the UN Brundtland Commission. This report is also known as the Brundtland Report, named after former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, who chaired this committee. Brundtland made a clear link between economic growth, environmental issues and poverty and development issues.
The report argues that poverty is an obstacle to sustainable use of natural environments and integration of conservation and economic development necessary for sustainable development. Another milestone was the Biodiversity Convention of Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Member States agreed at the UN conference, to develop new policies for environment and development. The new development pattern was found for all countries, sustainable development was mentioned. In 2002, the largest UN conference held to date: the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa. During these conferences was that not obvious that the current prosperity in Western countries until the end of time on the same high rates can be sustained. This is due to the scarcity of resources, which we must deal wisely. We need all our resources use efficiency and savings to jump in energy and biodiversity. We must invest in knowledge and education, so that technologies can be developed to subsequent generations with minimal use of scarce raw materials and fossil energy is an acceptable level of wealth creation for themselves. Sustainability is characterized by large uncertainties about the future. Indeed, sustainability is about long term and the longer the term, the greater the uncertainties. Especially when it comes to demographics, technological developments and the strength of our living systems.
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