
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Growth Without Limits

Faced with such figures, one can ask other questions: is growth without limits? The sources of growth are limitless they or are they expendable? Should it be, moreover, without limit? Some economists and / or environmentalists believe that growth is a source of perverse effects: depletion of natural resources (for the particular energy), pollution, congestion in cities etc. Moreover, the Meadows report in 1972 alerted of these adverse consequences and proposed the zero growth, that is to say, the stability of GDP or GNP, to preserve the environment. Some environmentalists advocate the same "decay" as produce tomorrow as today requires puncture, and will remain, nonrenewable resources and pollute as much. However, the "crisis" has shown how current economic growth was needed to improve the labor market and more widely to raise the standard of living. The issues under discussion today are more concerned with the distribution of wealth created and sustainable development.


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