By means of this letter I would like your room to inform of the results of a teleconference that the Eurogroup on April 11 last, has held. During this teleconference, the Eurogroup mandates to the European Commission's order immediately with the IMF and the ECB to decide how a possible joint aid program for Greece to drain zien.1 There is also agreement on the terms under which aid to Greece, In a joint operation with the IMF, could be granted. The decision by the Eurogroup is spelled out in the declaration the Government on March 25, 2010 adopted. I have you in a previous letter (chamber 2009-2010, 21 501-07, no 703) informed about the serious consequences for financial stability in the euro area, should the situation in Greece out of hand. All euro area countries, including the Netherlands, would be great to lose here. The decision of the Eurogroup aims to be ready to work with the IMF to provide loans to Greece, should the situation so questions. I want to stress that no decision has been taken to support and that the Greek authorities have not requested assistance.
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