Human development is the acquisition of part of individuals, communities and institutions, the capacity to participate effectively in building a prosperous global civilization that is both materially and spiritually.
Human development, according to United Nations Program for Development, is the freedom and training of human capacities, that is, in extending the range of things people can do and what can be.
While civilization refers to the masses and racial consciousness, culture, the individual and the spiritual being, therefore, development is possible in a civilization that fully expresses the true culture. The progress of material civilization, has received its impetus of science as a result of the various applications of the mind to understand the laws of nature and society. Religion, on the other hand, it has addressed the spiritual dimension of human existence, its task is to shed light on the individual's inner life, discover their motivation and play a code of ethics that can guide human behavior.
For the science of economics, economic growth is a condition that leads to development.
For the science of psychology, Human development is effected by a series of integrations of coordination or synthesis processes in which the mind begins to control the body.
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